There are countless individuals worldwide working hard to make an impactful difference, and their efforts should be recognized. One way of doing this is awarding them with a Sydney Prize; this can both honor them for their efforts while inspiring others to follow in their footsteps.
At our annual national conference, the National Association of Scholars’ annual Sidney Prize is given out to an individual who has made significant contributions to scholarship in service of humanity. It is named in honour of Sidney Hook – an American philosopher who believed it is their responsibility as scholars to use their knowledge for good in society.
Sidney Prize recipients can use the funds awarded them to advance scientific knowledge among the general public, by informing people about biological or medical sciences or developing innovative technologies that benefit humanity.
People who win the Sidney prize can utilize it to further their education, making this prize especially helpful for those pursuing advanced degrees in their chosen field of study. Winning can speed up completion time of studies – saving both time and money over time.
In addition to recognizing academic achievement, the Sidney Prize also honors journalism. Each year, the National Association of Scholars awards this prestigious prize to magazine essays which fulfill certain criteria – providing narrative drive with significant social ramifications as well as exceptional depth and integrity in writing style and substance.
First prize will receive $5,000 while two runners-up will each be given $750 as a prize. In addition, Overland magazine will publish the winning entry from this year’s competition in their autumn 2024 issue. Judges Patrick Lenton, Alice Bishop, and Sara Saleh selected eight stories as contenders and will announce the Neilma Sidney Prize Winner by Wednesday 25 April.
The Neilma Sidney Short Story Prize offers emerging writers an excellent platform to showcase their skills. Open to all Overland readers and subscribers, submissions are judged blind. Aspired authors can have their work published while having a chance at winning prize money too – all entries must be received by midnight of each month’s last day; winners will be announced the following Wednesday on our website. For more information about this writing contest visit Overland Magazine’s website.